Column By: MIKE TRAVERSE / RPW – ASHOKAN, NY – A year after the 2020 Racers Reunion event was cancelled due to the pandemic, the event once again took place on Sunday at the Grant Avery Park in Ashokan, New York.
The main attraction was the Accord Speedway Hall of Fame induction ceremonies that were held for both the 2020 and 2021 classes.
A large crowd gathered under the pavilion at the park on a beautiful Catskill Mountain Sunday morning to see the inductees or their relative or representative receive their Hall of Fame award and receive the applause that they so richly deserved.
The event is organized by Frank Bush along with Ginnie and Jim Douglas and they did a marvelous job with Sunday’s event. There were many smiles and laughs as the attendees were very much enjoying the festivities.
The always entertaining John McGill was the event emcee and he offered the microphone to any of the inductees that wished to address the crowd.
Lew Boyd did a very nice talk about the career of Dick Hansen. And the patriarch of the Ricci Racing Family, Rich Ricci Sr entertained the crowd with some anecdotes about his racing with Jackie Wilson and Will Cagle.
The 2020 inductees were Gordon Aldrich, Ernie Beesmer, Bobby Breuckner, Jackie Brown Sr, Charlie Cross, Barry Davis, Jimmy Fugel, Bobby Green, Dick Hansen, Pete Keator, Jeff Heotzler, Harold Montanye, Rich Ricci Sr, Rich Ricci Jr, Mike Ricci, Art Tyler, Doug Tyler Sr, Ron Van Etten, Stretch Van Steenburg and Joe Winne.
The 2021 class consists of Jim Banks, Ray Cole, Joe Lawrence, Bill Liese, John Markle, Harry & Helen Osterhoudt, Ron Santosky, Donnie Stokes, Cliff Wicks and Jackie Wilson.
Congratulations to the 2020 and 2021 inductees. Already looking forward to the 2022 edition of the Racers Reunion.