RPW Exclusive: Jamie & Denise Page: The Dynamic Duo Of Dirt Racing…Part 3


Column By: LAURIE FALLIS / RPW – BAINBRIDGE, NY – You’d think with all Jamie and Denise Page have going on, they’d have a little bit of time for themselves.

Okay, that’s a little tongue and cheek.  They are two extremely busy people in this sport, but what’s the biggest challenges they face?

“Time and traveling,” Denise said.  “There’s also the unexpected things that pop up. Our biggest fear is something happening at the Motel when we are not around.  You need to have good people as backup when we’re on the road and we do.”

For Jamie, it’s all a look to the heavens.

“It’s the weather,” he said.  “There’s lots of lawns to be mowed and of course is it going to rain on race day.  Also, I need to know the expense side and try to keep the costs down.  It bothers me to have to ask Brett for money, unable to keep repairing things because the economy has gone crazy on prices.  However, you need to spend money on things to keep the facility running. Hiccups are always challenging to me.”

With so many racing nights in a summer, what is a good one for them?

“A program run in a reasonable and efficient time with no major accidents is good to me,” Jamie said.  “I love to see new winners or a first time winner too.”

How about Denise?

“I am simple,” he said.  “I don’t want to see the use of the EMT’s or accidents.  I also want a good flow to the night.”

What is the good and the bad in each person’s positions?

“I am a fan of the sport,” Jamie said.  “I enjoy the people and having a peaceful night. Bad side?  It’s the prospective that people have on thinking that it’s so easy running a race track when really its the total opposite. There’s a lot of financial stress that a lot of people don’t realize. It’s amazing the cost to staff a facility like Fonda. You have staff and security that makes up a large part of a speedway.”

“I love feeding as many people in a short period of time in a orderly fashion,” Denise said.  “Bad part is working hard and preparing food expecting a good crowd and people not showing up at the food booth when they were expected.”

If there’s any two people knowing their responsibilities to give their all, in what it takes to make a track successful, the Page’s have been 100% in, no matter what they do.  Denise even keeps a record of the weather from each event and what social events or holidays are happening.  That determines what her specials will be served at the tracks throughout the season…just to give that extra twist.

The duo’s hard work and dedication to the sport was acknowledged in 2021 by the New York Stock Car Association.  They were awarded the Dedication To Racing Award in memory of Harry Peek.

Many think that although when the racing season is over and tracks are shut down for the winter month, its all relaxation.  Quite the contrary.

“There’s no down time in racing,” Jamie said.  “There’s always something that needs to be done.  It’s a 12-month work load. Traveling to get billboard sponsorships, getting equipment ready, car shows, race banquets.  There was even an Enduro added for 2025 on New Years Day.”

That’s how Jamie and Denise spent there 18th wedding anniversary, by the way.

Soon the husband and wife team will be getting ready for the Short Track Super Series’ Sunshine Swing in Florida that’s just around the corner.  The racing life never takes a break.  Let’s not forget that on top of all these two do, they still have a personal business that’s operation is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

One would ask how long can they keep going.  One would ask how long do they want to keep going.  At the age of 60 for Denise and 59 for Jamie, how much fuel is left in the tank?

“I’m going to do it as long as I physically can,” Jamie said.  “I enjoy being around people and the comradery’s very special. It’s something I really enjoy doing.”

Deyo’s signed on for another five years at Fonda Speedway.  That might be a clue.

“I’m all in for another five years,” she said.  “I’m at the stage in my life where I really enjoy being around my grandchildren. I try to spend as much time as i can with them.”

In the world of racing, Jamie and Denise Page are two people that have seen every aspect of the sport they love.  At times, they have hit there highs and lows.  It’s been hard work, while trying to be loyal and having the determination in making sure that nobody goes hungry.

They also work to make sure that everyone is safe on the race track.  That’s all while working as a formidable husband and wife team and enjoying what they are doing together.

Their journey is truly far from over.

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