Shellhammer Dirt Track 2025 Meeting Attracts Over 150 Race Teams

Story By: MIKE FELTENBERGER / SHELLHAMMER DIRT TRACK – LEESPORT, PA – The annual rules meeting for Shellhammer Dirt Track race teams was attended by over 150 race teams with many rules reviewed, revised and voted on for the 2025 season.
Being discussed 1st was the use of the passing flag returning in 2025,as it was voted down for the 2024 season. With a unanimous positive vote It will be in use for both Wingless Weds. and Super Saturday nights of racing.
Sliinsghot drivers racing as Junior age legal cannot run 2 classes in the same night. Drivers going to another trailer to engage in unruly behavior or fighting will lose points and pay and receive a possible suspension. Drivers will be in charge of their actions as well as actions of the race team.
There will be no increases in admission on the pit side or grandstand side with veterans and 1st responders getting $5.00 off a pit pass or a free grandstand admission. The proposed 2025 mini-series for the All Star and Junior Slingshots will have stops at Shellhammer’s with the Juniors having their races run on April 12th,July 1st and August 30th.All Star dates are April 12th and July 1st.
Double spring use is allowed in the Slingshots this year. The Saturday Yamaha drivers agreed to add 5 more pounds to make it the Yamaha 380 class. Stage 1 Modified creator Richie Smith agreed to six Stage 1 Modified races on Super Saturday as well as the full season on Weds. nights. The Golden Hammer Nights of July 1st and 2nd will no longer be a points night for any of the regular classes.
The Junior Sprints have been included on both racing nights with them being wingless on Weds and having mounted wings on Saturdays.
Eric Lint will now assist in all tech during the 2025 season. More parking spaces have been created for both the race teams and general admission attendees. Reserved pit space sales were at an all time preseason high with many teams getting their spots ready for the upcoming season.
Raceivers will be mandatory and must be in working order at all times on the speedway with penalties given to drivers with non-functioning radios. Car count payouts will remain the same for 2025,with the Shellhammer payout one of the highest in small car racing in the US today.
In celebration of the race track’s 50th anniversary,some special events are being planned. March 22nd will see the return of the racing clinic and flea market. Practice days are March 29th and 30th. Wingless Weds. opening day is April 2nd with Super Saturday’s opener set for April 12th.
Track vacation shutdown will be for the races slated for August 13,16 and 20. Some special event ideas for this season is a day of RC racing, a day of bicycle racing, frozen t-shirt contest, VIP announcer night and a possible Mother’s Race or Powder Puff Derby
Dave Cordier, Jr. will again oversee track rentals for race teams wanting to use the speedway to test and tune their equipment or for getting seat time for new drivers. Contact Dave at 484-955-9351.