Statement From Bloomsburg Fair Association Regarding Future Of Racing At Speedway


Statement By: BLOOMSBURG FAIR ASSOCIATION – BLOOMSBURG, PA – On July 27, 2023, a hearing was held at the Columbia County Courthouse on a Petition for a Preliminary Injunction filed by the Town of Bloomsburg against the Bloomsburg Fair.

The Petition sought to enjoin the Fair from conducting any further automotive races at the Fairgrounds until such time as the Fair can show that racing can be conducted within the confines of the 65-decibel level as established by the Town’s amended noise ordinance.

On July 31, 2023, the Judge granted the Town’s Petition, and although we are disappointed with the Court’s decision, racing will halt at this time in compliance with the Court’s Order.

The Fair is presently considering its appellate rights in relation to this Order, and will continue to pursue damages against the Town for its losses in relation to this temporary shutdown of racing operations.

We ask you to be mindful of the fact that the Injunction Order issued today is only Preliminary, and the Fair will continue to litigate this matter in the Courts and fight for justice in the face of the Town’s odious and unfair treatment of one of our area’s most cherished organizations.

Bloomsburg Fair Association

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